Sunday, May 21, 2006

TOYOTA - Moving Forward

Sometime in business you get a unique opportunity to over come your competitor. A Smart management is a management which utilizes this opportunity for life time.

Recently, that’s what happening in Auto Industry. Toyota is surpassing the GM in all way. The Management is taking advantage of high gasoline prizes, shift in consumer mindset and drawbacks of opponent to increase their market presence and ultimately resulting into number One Position.

They are coming up with many new models (Yaris) with innovative styling and new Hybrid technologies (Prius/Camry/Highlander)

Their recent aggressive advertising like “What happens when The Best car in America, is the Best car for America” is helping them to achieve their goal.

In 1927 GM surpassed Ford as the largest auto company in the World; The day is not far when Toyota will hold that title. The Only matter is When and How long they can hold it.