Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Something about Shruti !

When we first met my friend’s 18 months old daughter Shruti,
We’ve observed something surprising,
She was a very Quick learner, Quiet, Independent, Tech savvy & Predictor at that age.
When I say Quiet, I meant no crying after getting up from sleep.
When I say Independent, I meant she could feed herself by spoon without making a mess.
When I say Tech Savvy, I meant she has attraction of computers & mobiles. She could hold a mobile handset on her ear for hours waiting for the call.
Even my Friend joked of opening a Call Center for her.
When I say Predictor, I meant as my friend was asking her what my wife gonna have
She said “Boooaay” and It happens to be True!
It’s different story that he gave her only one choice and she repeated it after him.