Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Taking an Interview

It feels different seating on the other side of table, while taking an Interview.
I’ve quite handful experience in attending ones. But this is the first time; I got an opportunity to interview few candidates for the openings in our project.

Speaking of truth, You need same kind of preparation while taking interview otherwise you soon run out of questions. To understand the candidate’s depth of knowledge you need to ask various questions followed by sub-questions.

Average/below average candidate can answer the question easily but good candidate is the one who can also answer sub-questions confidently. This certainly explains the difference between theoretical and practical experience.

Confident is also another important factor which Interviewer looks when he expects answer. Never say “I think or I guess” while answering, which questions your ability to perform.

Overall, 'Taking an Interview' experience has definitely helped me in preparing myself for the future Interviews.